Saturday, May 10, 2008

Defeats and failures

Defeats and failures open a new chapter in life but in a fewsome. The two most 'shunned' words are, if you put yourself to believe, preludes to a glorious life. Defeat, by non-academic defination, is a feat that is attempted and which, unfortunately, results in falling short of a laid-down parameter and is instinctively termed thus. But its offshoot, failure, is more wrecking as the word thumps into the mind with tremendous speed and stops the interactivity between the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain. Lowering the self esteem, it incapiciates the will to surge. It is indeed a splendid mockery of an individual on one's ownself. A word, loaded with multiple power, can weaken the limbs of a person and squeeze out the good part of the inner self-confidence is beyond imagination. But it is true. However, those armed with less confidence and uncontrollable perssimism, in all seen probabilities, remain the victims of these two abnoxious words. Those who stock a permanent sunshine in their outlook see the two words with contempt and more than often throw them out of their system in rapid fire mode only to, subsequently, find a commencement of a new chapter in their life which will, positively, lead them to a glorious future.